How Is A Law Firm’s Website Different From Other Businesses?

Developing SEO for a lawyer’s website is somewhat different than doing the same thing for a retail business or even for another service industry.  Any web development company can offer WordPress Development Services and other features, but it takes a deeper knowledge of the legal industry as a whole, and niche areas of expertise in particular, to craft a website that attracts more clients to a particular firm.   This knowledge is gained through years of experience in working with legal firm websites; a one-size-fits-all approach is simply not as effective.

What Features Should My Law Firm’s Website Have?

A legal website needs, at a minimum, the following features:

  • Clear definitions.  It must be clear from your website exactly what areas of the law you practice.  Nothing hurts a legal website more than vague language.  Clients are looking for an attorney with expertise in a particular field, so it is critical that you showcase your knowledge and experience in your area of the law.
  • Easy contact methods.  Clients do not want to wait to be contacted; they want immediate responses.  Many clients looking for a lawyer are under a deadline, and they are often stressed.  Nothing will turn potential clients off faster than slow response times.  Therefore, your contact stream must be highly efficient.  Clients should be able to find your contact information in a single click, and you should receive requests for information instantly.  Of course, you must also respond to these requests in a timely manner, but that is impossible to do if your contact stream does not notify you.
  • Establishment of you as an expert.  Your clients want to know that you have particular knowledge about an area of the law.  Therefore, consistent updates of your website material is critical.  You should be able to, at a minimum, blog or utilize social media on a regular basis to share information with potential clients.  This method of communication comes with a bonus:  you can quickly capture the attention of others, such as attorneys in your area, who may recognize your expertise and refer other clients to you.

If you are interested in a review of your legal website with a view toward optimizing your web presence, Caldiatech can help.  For decades, we have been working with lawyers throughout the country to create and maintain strong websites that generate client traffic.  We understand legal SEO and can help you update your website so that you can see and engage new clients simply by making basic modifications.  Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help you build a better website for your legal office!

Published by seoagency2021

We at Stone Truss believe in being the best at whatever we do and we do trusses. Our team of truss technicians, sawyers, fabricators, packaging and delivery personnel have decades of experience in the truss business in Southern California.

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